About Us

Ken G. Knott M.D. is a widely known physician in metro Atlanta.
Patients across the globe seek him out for his expertise on anti-aging medicine and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, among other life-changing and life-enhancing practices. Dr. Knott believes that patients deserve to be listened to and that it is his duty to find a cause of injuries or conditions rather than pushing harmful drugs to merely mask the symptoms of some of the world’s most harmful illnesses.
Dr. Knott has also seen remarkable success with his weight-loss program, prolotherapy/PRP and individualized PT measures among other natural alternatives to harmful drugs, surgery and suffering. Dr. Knott seeks to give your life back to you.
“Dangerous Medicine: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Hurt You”
“Dangerous Medicine: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Hurt You” is a book that was written to inform the reader about many common misconceptions and questionable care associated with the practice of medicine. Within these areas, voids exist because of limited or incorrect training. It’s more logical to treat the causes of conditions or diseases rather than the symptoms, but that is not what most doctors do. Dr. Knott offers readers information that will allow them to become a more proactive and integral part of optimizing their own health. His intent is to provide science-based information that will assist the reader in making the best and most healthy choices. Why leave your health and life to chance? Why treat symptoms without addressing why the symptoms appeared in the first place?
The purpose of this book is to provide an understanding of what is really necessary. As we age, our hormones decline. However, the reverse may actually be more accurate in that we age because our hormones decline. Dr. Knott addresses the issue of declining hormones in both men and women by providing detailed information about bio-identical hormone replacement. Additionally, questions about nutrition, supplements, exercise, hyperbaric oxygen, and treatment for nagging injuries will also be answered. It is a must read for anyone over the age of forty that wishes to optimize their health while possibly adding years to their life.
ISBN: 9780985510503
Author: Ken G. Knott, M.D.
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 248

Dr. Ken Knott demonstrates convincingly that the truly wise physician listens to the patient as opposed to simply looking at a chart and prescribing a drug that only treats a symptom. In essence, the physician has to be a detective and the most common suspect in the cause is usually the diet followed by lifestyle and then hormonal imbalance in that order. This book provides both the patient and other physicians the insight of how to make medicine the practice of maintaining wellness as opposed to treating the symptoms of chronic disease. It is a must read for anyone over the age of forty that wishes to optimize their health while possibly adding years to their life.